Well if you did the Drawing Tutorial this is even better, which will introduce you to the ComboBox and PictureBox Controls plus a little about Command Buttons.
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Step 1
Load Microsoft Visual Basic, then select Standard EXE Project if VB5/6, click on the option then click Open, see below:

Step 2
A Blank Form named Form1 should then appear, see below:

Step 3
Then from the Visual Basic Components Menu Select the Picture Box Control:

Step 4
Draw a Picture Box on the Form as shown below:

Step 5
Then goto the Properties Box and change AutoRedraw to True, see below:

Step 6
Then from the Visual Basic Components Menu Select the ComboBox Control:

Step 7
Draw Two Combo Boxes on the Form as shown below:

Step 8
Change the Style Property of both Combo Boxes (Combo1 and Combo2) to 2- Dropdown List.
Step 9
Then from the Visual Basic Components Menu Select the Command Button Control:

Step 10
Draw a Command Button on the Form, and change the Caption Property of the Button to Quit, as shown below:

Step 11
Double Click on the Button Labeled Quit (Command1) and type in the Command1_Click() Sub:
Unload Me
Step 12
Double Click on the Form (Form1) and type in the Form_Load() Sub:
With Combo1 .AddItem 1 .AddItem 2 .AddItem 4 .AddItem 8 .AddItem 16 .AddItem 32 .AddItem 64 End With Combo1.ListIndex = 0 With Combo2 .AddItem "Black" .AddItem "Red" .AddItem "Green" .AddItem "Blue" .AddItem "White" End With Combo2.ListIndex = 0
Step 13
Double Click on the PictureBox (Picture1) and type in the Picture1_MouseDown() Sub:
Picture1.CurrentX = X Picture1.CurrentY = Y
Step 14
Double Click on the PictureBox (Picture1) and type in the Picture1_MouseMove() Sub:
Dim Colour As String If Button = 1 Then Picture1.DrawWidth = Combo1.Text If Combo2.Text = "Black" Then Colour = vbBlack If Combo2.Text = "Red" Then Colour = vbRed If Combo2.Text = "Green" Then Colour = vbGreen If Combo2.Text = "Blue" Then Colour = vbBlue If Combo2.Text = "White" Then Colour = vbWhite Picture1.Line (Picture1.CurrentX, Picture1.CurrentY)-(X, Y), Colour End If
Step 15
Save the Project (for example prjDrawingPackage) into a vacant folder as you have finished the application. Click on Start / Run
or Press F5 and the below will appear:

Step 16
Change the Value in the Left Combo Box to 8 and the Text in the Right Combo Box to Blue, and draw something, see below:

Step 17
You can draw in any of the widths and colours available by selecting the appropriate option from the two combo boxes. To Quit the Application, Click on Quit.
Great you have just created an improved Drawing Package! Try changing the program so that other Draw Widths are available (add more values to the Combo1 With Combo1 List!) Plus add more colours by adding the new names e.g. Yellow and then in the MouseMove Sub of the PictureBox add a conversion routine e.g. If Combo2.Text="Yellow" then Colour=vbYellow. Try changing other parts of the code and extending it, you can learn a lot from this drawing package!