CESPage.com Xbox Weekly Update Six
Xbox 360 Countdown, Origen Xbox 360 unveiled, Microsoft X05 conference
By CESPage.com Xbox, Published 2nd October 2005

Xbox 360 Launch Countdown
Just two months to go before the release of the Xbox 360 in Europe, the countdown to release on December 2nd continues.
The latest details announced about the Xbox 360 have been some Xbox Live and Xbox 360 Dashboard details, it will be possible
to change GamerTags on the new console - however the reputation and achievements (how gamers have played and what they have played)
stays the same.
It will be possible to download or purchase new themes for the Xbox 360 such as a Halo 2 theme and more.
Starting from this week CESPage.com will focus on a title available for the Xbox 360, this week it is Dead or Alive 4.
This game is the sequel to the successful Dead or Alive 3 on the Xbox, with new characters, environments and features including
interactive environments and stunning graphics. It also has an in depth storyline for the single player mode plus a great multi-player
experience on Xbox Live.

Origen Xbox 360 Week 7
It was this week that the mystery of Origen Xbox 360 was at least partially resolved. It is a four stage competition to win one of eight places
to Origen which is an event for European gamers to go to the United States and play on the Xbox 360 launch titles before its launch there.
With the countdown over came a tree with the flags on it allow people living in the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands,
Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal or Greece to take part in the contests.
The first contest is a true or false stage where three questions regarding the Xbox 360 are asked, if correct a statement about the Xbox 360 is
the best thing since... with the funniest and best replies standing a chance of winning one of the first two places at this event.
In the next few weeks this should continue the orange fruit on the tree indicating each stage with a probable change each week.
The unveiling of this website was not without controversy on the Internet as many North American website and forum posts were upset about them
being left out of this contest, however there is the Every10Minutes.com which allows an Xbox 360 to be won and delivered before launch - this
Origen contest is merely a chance to play it first and only for a maximum of eight people, rather than the hundreds for their contest.
View : www.origenxbox360.com

This is the event from Microsoft, an invite only event is on this coming week on the 4th and 5th of October in Amsterdam. This event will offer a chance to see and play the Xbox 360 games that will be available when the console launches later this year. There should also be a furry of announcements from the event, hopefully this will be the list of launch titles, but whatever this event announces you can be sure that CESPage.com Xbox will have an article about these new announcements.