360 Hour Tour
CESPage.com Xbox paid a visit to the Xbox 360 Tour in Glasgow on November 5th
By CESPage.com Xbox, Published 6th November 2005

Throughout the month of November, Microsoft is holding 360 Hour Tour for the Xbox 360 in Glasgow, Birmingham, Leeds and London and CESPage.com Xbox was there on the 5th of November. This tour is the first chance for the majority of UK gamers to play the Xbox 360 before the release on the 2nd December, the most anticipated games there were the titles Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Racing 3, Kameo: Elements of Power and Dead or Alive 4.
CESPage.com Xbox was there on the second day of the tour the first game played was Project Gotham Racing with one of the London tracks tried out first the in car view looks great allowing the experience to be more like driving a real car with specks on the windscreen it almost looks like real glass, reflections on the car make this game look even better than expected it is way more than just twice as good and detailed as Project Gotham Racing 2. Another title tried out was Perfect Dark Zero this is a great looking game and does not deserve the bad press it has been getting, with the duel wielding that those who play Halo 2 would be more familiar with and graphics to impress and draw distances and game play that is great and desired once experienced. Dead or Alive 4 was also there with smoother game play and more responsive controls, although played briefly this seems like a good game but is not much beyond that experienced in Dead or Alive 3. Kameo also made an appearance at this event which was also played this seemed like a very good game and was well worth the wait as it was originally meant to appear on the o
Other games making an appearance at the event were GUN, Condemned, NBA 2K6, FIFA 2006 Road to World Cup, Peter Jackson's King Kong, Tony Hawks American Wasteland and a few others, there was also a chance to play on Xbox Live on an original Xbox with Halo 2, when the Xbox 360 is released players will be able to experience the Xbox Live features of the Xbox 360 titles also.

Event Details
Glasgow 4th - 6th November
The Lighthouse, Gallery 5, Scotland's Centre for Architecture, Glasgow
Friday 4th 12.00 pm - 6.00pm
Saturday 5th 10.30am - 6.00pm
Sunday 6th 10.30am - 6.00pm
Birmingham 11th - 13th November
The Old Library, The Custard Factory, Gibb Square, Birmingham
Friday 11th 12.00pm - 6.30pm
Saturday 12th 10.00am - 6.30pm
Sunday 13th 10.00am -6.30pm
Leeds 18th - 20th November
Upper Balcony, Next to Vue Cinema, The Light Centre, Headrow, Leeds
Friday 18th 9.30am - 7.30pm
Saturday 19th 9.30am - 7.30pm
Sunday 20th 9.30am - 6pm
London 25th - 27th November
Mercer Street Studios, 16 Mercer Street, London, WC2
Friday 25th 10.00am - 6.30pm
Saturday 26th 10.00am - 6.30pm
Sunday 27th 10.00am - 7.00pm
Monday 28th 10.00 am - 7.00pm