CESPage.com Xbox Weekly Update Three
Countdowns galore from Origen Xbox 360 to Bizarre Creations, what is going on - soon we'll find out
By CESPage.com Xbox, Published 11th September 2005

Origen Xbox 360 Week 4
Another change on the strange marketing website Origen Xbox 360 has been updated yet again another rabbit has joined the now familiar tree,
rabbit, arrangement, plus more "apples" have appeared also. One main addition is some hidden text near the roots of the tree.
"in hoc spatio arbor noster florait fecundus pomis Elysii ignoti,
quo in loco ludent electi, ab Originis angelis circumdati"
The website was updated to this new look around Tuesday then reverted back to Week 3 then again to the current layout. This may indicate a
campaign where the update happened earlier than scheduled, more updates.
With around fifteen days to go we should find out what is going on, an announcement for Xbox 360 such as the release date.
Also the September 2005 newsletter from Xbox contains an image of two green rabbits on the lower left of the newsletter which
also links to the website which confirms it as part of a Microsoft marketing campaign. You can see an image of the bottom of the newsletter below.
View : www.origenxbox360.com

Bizarre Creations Countdown
Seemingly joining the "countdown" club like the Origen website, Bizarre Creations website BizarreOnline.net also has a countdown to less than a week's time.
This may be the announcement of another title for the Xbox 360 from Bizarre Creations other than the highly anticipated Project Gotham Racing 3.
This mystery project only known as "????" at the moment, will all be revealed at the end of this countdown? Yet another "we'll have to wait and see" it seems!
Source : Bizarre Creations

Xbox 360 Launch Coverage
CESPage.com Xbox from now until the UK release of the Xbox 360 we will be bringing every related Press Release and officially released information
from Microsoft regarding the new console.
No more speculation if there is something official it will be added as an article or to a product section, it is here in the weekly updates where
you will find information about the Xbox 360, such as rumours, facts, the buzz around the release and more.
Plus the day the Xbox 360 is released we will be giving impressions of the new console and how it works including Media functionality and more.