Xbox 360 Announcement
12/13 May 2005 marks the announcement of the next generation Xbox on MTV
By Xbox, Published 12th May 2005

MTV announcing the unveiling of the next generation Xbox the Xbox 360 to the public, to appear also at the E3 expo.
Sleeker, unique and smaller improved design the new Xbox is a departure from the current green and black console we know today. The Xbox 360 brings even more features as it becomes the hub of home entertainment now as a Media Centre with new TV recording and DVD burning facilities (later confirmed as DVD playback and Media Center extender function instead). This new Xbox allows customisation of the console which exchangeable face plates but the sleek white design looks OK anyway. The controllers are now wireless but can be connected to the main console via its built in USB ports, up to four controllers are supported and are similar to the current "controller S" except the black and white buttons are now shoulder buttons and there is an Xbox Live button to launch the new interface. Accessories for the new Xbox include a headset and camera for Xbox Live and games, plus there is a remote control for the Media Center facilities.
There was just one playable demo at the event this was Perfect Dark Zero developed by Rare. This game features around twenty two weapons
including a turret style gun that can be left someplace, where it can take out anyone who happens to come by. Also there is an invisibility
gun that makes the holder invisible. One lucky gamer even got the chance to appear in the game and their body was scanned so their likeness
could be in the game.
Perfect Dark Zero also features a jet pack allowing players to fly around the maps and even shoot. Multiplayer and online play is a big part
of this game and the graphics are very similar to counter strike as is the general feel of the game. Other games mentioned include a medieval
RPG and a multiplayer medal of honour game.
Even though it was a short game there was the chance to shoot from the Warthog which was effective at keeping the opposition away it also highlights a feature from Multiplayer is that someone can be driver while another shoots from the side or launch rockets from the back. The duel wielding feature is fantastic it was very easy to get to grips with this and fire each weapon with both triggers at the same time to take down an opponent, it can be sometimes more effective with this than a seemingly more powerful weapon like the Sniper Rifle. With plenty of places to hide, snipe or sneak with many techniques and ways of approaching this map made it a very enjoyable game and could last a lot longer without it being too repetitive - this is looking like the game we all expect it to be and when November comes it is going to be even better...