Hex 168: The Beginning is Nigh
Xbox 360 competition in North America for 360 people to win the console, three game titles and one year membership to Xbox Live and a trip to an Xbox Event
By CESPage.com Xbox, Published 19th October 2005

Another Internet Countdown
Another mysterious countdown appeared on the Internet again, there was much speculation including theories that it counted down to the announcement of Halo 3,
which seems to be the thought every single time, Bungie will announce this title when it is ready! However this was in fact a contest for those living in the
United States to get their hands on the Xbox 360 console for free similar to the Origen Xbox 360 competition but not only do they get to go to an event but win
an Xbox 360, which in Europe there is no such competition.
The competition is a skill contest where participants submit a photograph or video showing "the power of hex" with only one entry per person this has to be
something original and not just the mundane to win the chance to have the Xbox 360 console first.
The Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360 launch portfolio will include the following titles through Holiday 2005:
You can enter a video of between 20 seconds and 40 seconds up to 8MB in MPEG, WMV, AVI or MOV formats or a digital photo in JPG or TIF format up to 5MB per photo
involving the mysterious Hex 168 sign on the website an as many people as are allowed in the rules of the competition. Winners are determined by judges based on
originality, best expression of the unusual among the mundane, entertainment value and style/production quality of the submissions.
There will be four highest scoring entries in the 30 person category, the 30 highest scoring entries in the 6 person category and the 60 highest scoring entries
in the 0 to 1 person category will be deemed the winners and the original entrant for the last of these will be the winner. For the 6 person category, those under
the power of hex" which must be the original entrant and five additional entities will receive the grand prize, for the 30 person category this must be the entrant
and twenty nine additional entities.
The prizes will be one grand prize awarded to each participant under the power of hex featuring the winning entry in each category, for a total of 360 winners will be a Xbox 360 console, three Xbox 360 game titles (Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Racing and Kameo: Elements of Power), one year membership to Xbox LIVE, and a three day/two night trip for the winner to an Xbox 360 event with a total value of $1,500. Total price fund value is $540,000 for all winners. The competition is open to legal residents of the 50 United States and District of Columbia who are 18 years or older at entry. Entries must be original an not have been previously published or won awards, or modify or use any pre-existing work.
Visit : Hex168.com