CESPage.com Xbox Weekly Update Thirteen
Xbox 360 Countdown Continues, Xbox 360 Launch Items and CESPage.com Xbox
By CESPage.com Xbox, Published 20th November 2005

Xbox 360 Countdown Continues
With just two days to go before those lucky North Americans get their hands on the Xbox 360, those in Europe of course getting it ten days later on the 2nd of December. Also this week is the Xbox 360: Zero Hour event being held in California, it actually starts today and ends when the Xbox 360 is released with live music and opportunities to play the Xbox 360 single player and multi-player games for the console.
Accessory in Focus
This week's accessory in focus is the Xbox 360 Hard drive, this is a removable Hard Drive in the Xbox 360 system, and available separately for the Xbox 360
Core package. The Xbox 360 Hard Drive is a 20 gigabyte detachable hard drive allowing gamers to easily transport content such as saved games, downloadable
items including music, trailers, demos and community created content from the Xbox Live Marketplace.
The Hard Drive comes pre-loaded with high-definition bonus content including Hexics HD, a popular puzzle game plus music tracks, skins, gamer pictures,
videos, and more. The Hard Drive is also required if games with to play Original Xbox titles as it is required for the emulation profiles to allow this to work.

Xbox 360 Launch Items
When the Xbox 360 launches in the UK there will be fifteen games available at launch to play on the console they are Amped 3 (2K Sports), Call of Duty 2 (Activision),
Condemned: Criminal Origins (SEGA), FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup (Electronic Arts), GUN (Activision), Kameo: Elements of Power (Microsoft Game Studios),
Perfect Dark Zero (Microsoft Game Studios), Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie(Ubisoft), Madden NFL 06 (Electronic Arts),
NBA Live 06 (Electronic Arts), Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Electronic Arts), Project Gotham Racing 3 (Microsoft Game Studios)
, Quake 4 (Activision, id software and Raven Software Corp.), Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06(Electronic Arts) and Tony Hawks American Wasteland (Activision).
The accessories available at launch are Xbox 360 Hard Drive (20 GB), Xbox 360 Memory Unit (64 MB), Xbox 360 Faceplate, Xbox 360 Wireless Controller,
Xbox 360 Controller, Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit, Xbox 360 Rechargeable Battery Pack, Xbox 360 Wireless Networking Adapter, Xbox 360 Headset,
Xbox 360 Universal Media Remote, Xbox 360 Component HD AV Cable, Xbox 360 Advanced AV Cable and Xbox 360 VGA HD AV Cable.
There will also be a variety of Xbox Live Arcade games available to download from Xbox Live where a twelve month subscription to Xbox Live can be purchased
for GBP39.99 or three months for GBP14.99.

CESPage.com Xbox
With the release of the Xbox 360 this week in North America, CESPage.com Xbox will and has been bringing all the main press releases to the website including those living in the UK and mainland Europe may find more useful than just the North American details. A daily countdown also appeared on the website this week allowing visitors to see at a glance how long it will be before the announced region releases, a surprise will appear on CESPage.com Xbox on the 22nd of November, the other release dates will also be counted down to from seven days to release for Europe and Japan.