CESPage.com Xbox Weekly Update One
This is the first in a new regular update for CESPage.com Xbox, with all the latest information from this week in Xbox and Xbox 360
By CESPage.com Xbox, Published 28th August 2005

Origen Xbox 360
A very strange website which has appeared in the last couple of weeks and is the subject of much debate at the moment.
Having changed since it was first generally discovered last week, it has caused even more debate, containing a bonsai tree
and rabbit with what looks like apples growing on it, before it was just the rabbit and tree, but the rabbit was on the right side, now is on the left.
There is a countdown on the website which as of writing this article is at which is 30 days, 20 hours, 33 minutes and 3 seconds which is the
26th September at round 3:30pm BST, what happens then, we'll have to wait! This website is hosted on Microsoft servers so does appear to be related to Xbox 360,
but in what way?
At the recent GC 2005 in Leipzig Simon Marks was shown to be wearing a T-Shirt with two green rabbits like on the website, this was worn near the end of the
presentation- he had been featured earlier without it.
You can find the website at www.origenxbox360.com

Xbox 360 Packages
Also in the news from last week regarding the Xbox 360 Packages available, the Xbox 360 Package and Xbox 360 Core System.
The latter contains no hard drive unlike the current Xbox which only has a hard drive option.
The main reason for it being optional as it is not required to optimise game loading with more system memory this allows the
Xbox 360 to be more efficient at loading games - this is further improved by the 12x DVD-ROM drive, so the need for the
hard drive for this purpose is reduced.
The hard drive can be used for save games and some downloaded content, however this can also be stored by the Xbox 360 Memory Units.
The hard drive is useful for larger content from Xbox Live and ripping music tracks for playing in games, and is required for
Backwards Compatibility with Xbox titles.

CESPage.com Xbox
The past two weeks have been a goldmine of Xbox 360 information and have been updating the website accordingly including images of the Xbox 360 accessories, Hardware and more. Plus exclusive wallpapers about the Xbox 360 console to download. Not much in the update this week, as most of this weeks and last is in the articles and hardware sections, keep checking back though as we get closer to the release of the Xbox 360.